About Six Three And Me

Six Three Online Shopping Fashion Accessories Sunglasses“When one door closes, another opens, but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one that has opened up for us.”

Hi! Welcome to the Six Three online shop. The positive dream of owning a successful business has been a life-long endeavor. That dream was set into goals and those goals turned into plans and the final step is happening here in this website.

This website is the Six Three online store and support platform. It will be offering best quality fashion accessories in several categories. For now, it is just sunglasses, but they are amazing designs and will look great on you.

The site is just beginning with a small selection of sunglasses but our web guy is working on getting more items listed. Watch for them coming soon!

Six Three Sunglasses

Sunglasses Six Three

Six Three Pilot Aviator Sunglasses Shades

Six Three Tortoise Frames